10 reasons to hate Nicki Minaj, the counter argument!
Years back, a video appeared on the French channel WatchMojo, a company famous for its daily publication of videos on popular American and foreign culture. Already present for a while on the English version of the YouTube platform, the video had generated a slight buzz, not always very well received by fans and non-fans. Its publication in our language now gives us the opportunity to decipher the thing and to counter-argue these "famous 10 reasons to hate Nicki Minaj". We invite you to discover or rediscover this video to then better understand our analysis. Let's go!
Number 10: "She stole everything from Lil 'Kim and Mariah Carey"
It is at this precise moment of the video, not even 1 minute from the beginning, that you understand that you are in front of incompetent diehards. It is one thing to say that Nicki Minaj “stole everything” from Lil 'Kim. The rapper was indeed enormously inspired by her friend at the very beginning of her career, something she later said she regretted. But to say that Nicki Minaj “stung everything” at Mariah Carey would be tantamount to saying that M & M's stung everything in Justin Bridou. In no case did Nicki Minaj appropriate something that belonged to Mariah Carey as her character is simplistic, vague and almost invisible. The formal proof that the inspiration is not and that the site itself does not manage to illustrate its words and is based only on Lil 'Kim with whom Nicki Minaj had many setbacks.
Number 9: "A bad example to follow"
Indeed, when we approach Nicki Minaj in the literal sense, the character can be shocking, even degrading, in the eyes of children as well as those of adults. However, by slightly scratching this layer hardened by years and years of discomfort, we discover a tender, engaging and even sometimes bewitching character.
Nicki Minaj is much more than a behind that moves. This woman raised $ 250,000,000 with the MAC cosmetic company (3x her personal fortune) and donated it to an association fighting AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. She has made many donations, notably to the UnSlut Project association which defends women who are subjected to mistreatment and insults for what they are, but the young woman also encourages her audience to continue school, work hard, graduate and never depend on anyone. But that, you will never hear about it in the media, because she is "a horrible person" according to them.
Number 8: "His clothing tastes leave something to be desired"
They probably haven't read our TOP 10 of Nicki Minaj's most beautiful outfits! When you were told that Nicki Minaj was approaching fashion icon status, it would seem that WatchMojo does not agree, even criticizing the young woman in her clip "Pound The Alarm" where she simply sports a traditional dress from his native island, Trinidad and Tobago.
How is a clothing choice a reason to hate someone? Are you going to hate a person on the pretext that they wear an outfit, an accessory, a dress that doesn't suit you? Even if the chain specifies at the beginning that they do not "hate Nicki Minaj", it would seem that they seek all the possible means to hate her. Nice try, but it failed!
Number 7: "A composer with redundant words"
At least Nicki Minaj has the merit of being the composer of his own texts! Joking aside, the formal proof that WatchMojo is a MEDIOCRE media (and I do not mince my words) is made here when they accuse Nicki Minaj of having repetitive words by illustrating that ... By the choruses of his songs!
As a reminder, a chorus is "one or more words that repeat at the end of a song" and, as its definition indicates, and therefore a repetition. But obviously, when you show the only titles where the rapper uses "Va Va Voom", "Boom Boom" and other onomatopoeias, it is clear that the sounds will be repetitive. Now take titles like Champion, Four Door Aventador and it's clear that at no point will there be a rehearsal.
Number 6: "She created an outrageous character for herself"
Claiming that her fans could get tired of her "excessive and boring" style, the voice-over of this video suggests that Nicki Minaj is looking for herself and that she will have trouble renewing herself. This is where it has it all. Nicki Minaj is constantly evolving, dress, lyrically and visually speaking. Each year is a renewal for her, and this for almost 8 years. Some predicted that it would not last 10 years, and yet it is fast approaching and continues to sell.
Number 5: "She has a reputation for being sold"
Because according to them, to make money on his name is to be sold. Because unfortunately, if you want to resist in the music industry, you have to go beyond music to continue living and surviving. Cinema, cosmetics, liquor, perfumes, multimedia, fashion, modelling, tours, Nicki Minaj went through all this, like legends such as Jay-Z, Diddy or Lil 'Kim. Do you see people calling them sold? Exactly.
Number 4: "She uses her bisexuality to sell"
This accusation is true, and probably the only one based on a valid argument since Nicki Minaj had indeed confided that she was ambiguous about her sexuality at the time to attract the homosexual community towards her character. It is not a reason to hate her because, in addition to her apologies on this point, she has repeatedly shown her support for this community through numerous speeches and interviews on the radio.
Number 3: "She's looking for everyone
Which is wrong. The only person to whom she really looked for "noises" (who uses this expression in 2016?) Is Lil 'Kim, whom she clashed from 2007 to 2008. After that, her numerous spikes were freely interpreted by the media and celebrities who felt attacked by the rapper. Miley Cyrus (but also Taylor Swift) attacked her after her comments on the white girls who got nominations, Lil Mama thought she was talking to her when she rapped "5 stars, little girl , you barely want 3 ", and the list goes on!
Nicki Minaj has a big mouth, but that is not to say that all his words are addressed to someone.
Number 2: "Her clips are trivial"
Besides Anaconda which revisits current feminism, Moment 4 Life & Va Va Voom which apply famous tales to the modern era, Lookin Ass which is a true hymn to women, Freedom which is filled with hidden messages, Right Thru Me / The PinkPrint Movie that tell stories, I agree ... Or not!
The majority of Nicki Minaj's clips are not simplistic, and even in Stupid Hoe, there are certain elements that make this clip a gem (for example, her position in her car when she wears a pink wig as well as the angle of vision). In addition, some of his clips have become icons of popular culture, like Super Bass or Anaconda! Triviaux, you said?
Honourable mentions.
> His false English accent: Everything comes from his character Roman Zolanski.
> She's void as a judge at American Idol: She herself said she hated doing this show.
> His rivalry with Mariah Carey: So the people you like or hate give me a reason to hate you?
Number 1: "She's a real wax doll"
According to them, the real reason to hate her. Indeed, we should hate Nicki Minaj quite simply ... Because she appreciated her wax statue at Madame Tussaud's and that incidentally, she reposted certain photos of fans posing with him holding his hips, kissing her on the cheek or regrouping at her side.
I have nothing more to say. It's like saying that you hate Beyoncé because she appreciates that her fans pose in front of her billboards.
In conclusion, in addition to the incompetence and lack of professionalism shown by WatchMojo (seriously, who is making a video explaining the reasons for hating a person?), The serious problem of this video is that in addition to constantly using only the same videos and the same degrading and obscene images among a long, long, long videography filled with more flattering cameos, this famous media persists in trying to support its arguments by the relentlessness on the young woman.
Some arguments are more general criticism of the music industry today than we try to blame on Nicki Minaj. It is not the first time that WatchMojo has shown real incompetence, and it will not be the last time either. Even in the comments, the majority of people, fans or not, support the rapper by insisting on the mediocrity of making a list like this. And for those who agree with these kinds of themes: you are no better than the people who did it.
What did you think? Do you rather agree, or on the contrary, you are against it?
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